Feline Diabetes

Feline - Diabetes is my site for posting information on the diabetic cats. Anything related to diabetic cats can go here.Feline diabetes is not the natural fate of hundreds of thousands of pet cats world-wide. It is, rather, a human-created disease that is reaching epidemic proportions because of the highly artificial foods that we have been feeding our feline companions for the past few decades. Without the constant feeding of highly processed, high carbohydrate dry foods, better suited to cattle than cats, adult-onset feline diabetes would be a rare disease, if it occurred at all.

Saturday, September 1, 2007

Excercise for Diabetic Cat


For most diabetic cats, strenuous exercise is not a reasonable option because of obesity or nerve damage.

One way to encourage your cat to move around is to feed it small meals placed in various spots around the house, so it needs to walk from one to the next.

Take 5 minutes a few times a day for some active play with your kitty. Have it walk after a string that you drag along the floor, play soccer with a small ball, or swat at a long feather that you wave in the air.

For most diabetic cats, strenuous exercise is not a reasonable option because of obesity or nerve damage.

One way to encourage your cat to move around is to feed it small meals placed in various spots around the house, so it needs to walk from one to the next. Take 5 minutes a few times a day for some active play with your kitty. Have it walk after a string that you drag along the floor, play soccer with a small ball, or swat at a long feather that you wave in the air.

Whatever exercise you do with your cat, it should be reasonably consistent. If the cat's activity varies too much from day to day, this will disrupt the effectiveness of its insulin regimen.

Talk to your veterinarian before starting an exercise routine with your cat. Start carefully, in short sessions, and don’t force your cat to move around if it clearly does not want to.

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