Feline Diabetes

Feline - Diabetes is my site for posting information on the diabetic cats. Anything related to diabetic cats can go here.Feline diabetes is not the natural fate of hundreds of thousands of pet cats world-wide. It is, rather, a human-created disease that is reaching epidemic proportions because of the highly artificial foods that we have been feeding our feline companions for the past few decades. Without the constant feeding of highly processed, high carbohydrate dry foods, better suited to cattle than cats, adult-onset feline diabetes would be a rare disease, if it occurred at all.

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Hyperglycaemic, hyperosmolar, non-ketotic (HHNK) syndrome

Hyperglycaemic, hyperosmolar non-ketotic (HHNK) syndrome is an uncommon complication of untreated diabetes mellitus. It is an emergency and the prognosis for recovery is poor.

HHNK syndrome is characterized by extremely high blood glucose levels. The brain may be affected resulting in the diabetic cat lapsing into a coma.

Before HHNK syndrome develops, typical clinical signs of diabetes mellitus are seen. The diabetic cat then becomes progressively weaker, stops eating, and lethargic and drinks less. The cat becomes severely dehydrated, depressed and eventually lapses into a coma.

Your veterinary surgeon will administer intravenous fluids and attempt to lower the blood glucose levels.

The prognosis for full recovery is extremely poor.

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